A Teen’s Guide to the Best Birth Control Methods

A Teen’s Guide to the Best Birth Control Methods

Find a method of birth control that works for you if you are sexually active or plan to have sex. It’s important to think about what kind of birth control to use, no matter what your gender, sexual orientation, or genitalia are.

This is hard for everyone. This can be even harder if you are a teenager who needs birth control. You’ll also need to think about things like guardian permission, access, and cost.

The good news is that there are many different kinds of birth control, each with its own pros and cons. This short guide can help you choose a method of birth control that works for you. A health care worker is the best person to help you figure out what’s best for your needs.

Key things to consider

As a teenager, there are a few things you need to know before you choose a method of birth control.

There isn’t a ‘right’ age — if you’re ready, you’re ready

There is no “right” age to start having sex alone (also called masturbation) or with someone else.

Some people have sex as teenagers, others wait until their twenties, and others choose to be celibate for life, and there’s nothing wrong with any of those choices. It’s up to you!

Whether or not you want to have sex is a personal choice that is up to you. Just remember to give enthusiastic consent when you’re with your partner(s) and to take steps to prevent unwanted pregnancy or getting an STD (STIs).

Some — not all — methods may require a guardian’s consent

If you are under 18, you might need permission from a parent or guardian to use a certain method. Different states have different laws about this, so it’s important to find out what they are where you live or talk to a local health care provider.

Some methods may require a pelvic exam

A pelvic exam is needed to use some forms of birth control, like an intrauterine device (IUD).

During a pelvic exam, a doctor or other medical professional will look at your vagina and vulva to look for signs of infection or other problems. A Pap smear is usually part of a pelvic exam.

Some people don’t mind getting a pelvic exam, but others don’t like them. If you are in the second group, you might want to choose a method of birth control that doesn’t involve a pelvic exam.

So, after you start having sexual relations, you should usually get a pelvic exam every year or so.

Birth control can also be used for symptom management

Even when they aren’t sexually active, many people use birth control.

The pill has more benefits than just keeping you from getting pregnant. Some people take the pill to help with things like acne, heavy periods, and painful cramps during their periods.

You don’t have to stick with the same method forever

Remember that you don’t have to always use the same method of birth control. Many people change their methods.

You could change your method of birth control because:

  • you start experiencing side effects
  • you can afford a way that works better for you and your life changes

Just make sure to talk to a doctor or nurse before you stop using the method you’re using now and start using a new one. They can tell you how to make the change so that you have the least amount of bad side effects as possible.

The best of the best

As with any other age group, there is no real solution that works for everyone. Your choice of method will depend on what is easiest for you and what works best for your body. For example, some people might have side effects from one form of birth control but not from others.

Here are some of the most common and simple ways to stop pregnancy.

The most accessible method: Condoms

Condoms are likely the easiest way for you to stop having children. You can buy them online or at a store like a grocery store. And, unlike most methods of birth control, you don’t need a doctor’s note to get it.

Unless you are allergy to latex or the lubricant that is usually on condoms, the side effects are usually mild and not very common.

One of the best things about condoms is that they can lower your risk of getting a STI.

They can also be used with other birth control methods, like an IUD or the pill, to make it even less likely that you will get pregnant when you don’t want to.

But for condoms to work, they have to be used correctly and consistently, which isn’t always as easy as it looks. Even if you use condoms the right way, they’ll break.

The most effective methods: IUDs and implants

The implant and the IUD are the best ways to do this. These are long-term ways to stop pregnancy, but you can take them out early if you want to.

The fact that you can put them in and forget about them is a big plus. Unlike the pill, which you have to take every day, these options don’t require much upkeep.

The implant is a plastic rod about the size of a matchstick that is put under your skin. It makes the hormone progestin, which stops ovulation.

Planned Parenthood says that the implant works more than 99 percent of the time. You don’t need a pelvic exam to get an implant, but you will need to see a doctor to have it put in.

For the IUD to be put in, you’ll also need a pelvic exam and a prescription.

IUDs come in two different kinds: the copper IUD and the hormonal IUD.

The copper IUD doesn’t use hormones, so it’s a good choice for people who don’t want to use hormonal birth control. The copper keeps the sperm away, which is why it works. You can leave the copper IUD in for up to 12 years.

You can leave the hormonal IUD in place for 3 to 7 years. It makes progestin, which stops the egg from being released. Some people find that their period stops or gets lighter when they use an IUD that releases hormones.

Still, some people find that implants or IUDs make their periods painful and bad PMS. Unfortunately, it’s hard to know how your body will respond to these methods of birth control.

The most popular method: Contraceptive pills

Oral contraceptive pills that you take by mouth are a very common way to stop pregnancy. You can take the mini-pill (which only has progestin) or the combination pill (progestin and estrogen).

There are some things that could go wrong. First, in order for them to work, you have to take them every day at about the same time.

Second, some people have side effects like acne or sore breasts, while others get benefits they didn’t expect, like lighter periods, less acne, and a more stable mood.

Other methods to be aware of

Plan B and other emergency contraceptives

You might want to use emergency birth control if you had sex without a condom or if the condom you used broke emergency contraception (EC).

Some types of hormonal emergency contraception are:

  • Plan B One-Step
  • Next Choice
  • ella

If the copper IUD is put in within 5 days of having sex without protection, it can also be used as EC.
Planned Parenthood says that putting in an IUD in an emergency cuts the chance of getting pregnant by 99 percent. But you will need a medical professional to put the IUD in.

Fertility awareness (also called the ‘rhythm method’)

The rhythm method is a way to find out when you’re fertile by keeping track of your menstrual cycle. This helps you avoid penis-in-vagina sex and other things, like fingering after touching pre-cum or ejaculate, that can get sperm into the vaginal canal during your fertile time. This can make it harder for you to get pregnant.

The fertility awareness method combines the rhythm method with observation methods (like keeping track of your temperature and checking your cervical mucus) to predict ovulation.

The success of the fertility awareness method depends on many things, such as the method you use and how well you keep track of your cycle and symptoms.

This method can be used with another method, like condoms, to make it even less likely that you will get pregnant when you don’t want to.

Questions to ask yourself when deciding

What kind of birth control you choose depends on your situation. Ask yourself the following questions to help you decide which method is best for you.

How well does it work?

You’ll need to use a method of birth control that works well. Because of this, it’s probably best to stay away from methods like withdrawal, which are known to not work.

Is it easy to use?

Contraception only works if it is used the right way.

Long-term forms of birth control, like the IUD or implant, are the easiest to “use” because you don’t have to do anything. After you put it in, you can pretty much forget about it.

If you can’t remember to take the pill every day, it might not be best for you. But if you don’t mind that, it might be a good fit.

Condoms aren’t always easy to use at first, but with a little practise, you’ll probably get the hang of it quickly. Check out our guide on how to using condoms correctly to learn more.

What are the potential side effects?

You can’t always predict if you’ll experience side effects. But it’s important to know what effects the method you choose might have.

If the side effects are too uncomfortable or hard to deal with, you can stop using that method of birth control and switch to another.

Some hormonal birth control methods aren’t good for people with certain health problems. Make sure to tell your doctor or other health care provider everything about your health, including any underlying conditions or medications you take, so they can take this into account.

How much does it cost?

The price is a very important factor. If you don’t feel comfortable asking a guardian or other trusted adult for help, or if money is tight for you and your family, read our guide to finding low-cost contraception in your state.

Can it prevent STIs?

Preventing pregnancy is just one part of a conversation about safer sex.

Using a barrier method along with another birth control method is one way to lower your risk of getting tested for STIs. If you don’t like condoms, you and your partner(s) can both get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Planned Parenthood or a sexual health clinic in your area might be able to help.

If you aren’t sure where to go or how to get it

Most stores sell condoms, but you need to see a doctor to get the pill or IUD.

You can get help with birth control from your primary care doctor.

But if you can’t afford to see a general practitioner or don’t feel comfortable talking about birth control with your regular doctor, there are other options. This includes local health departments and places like Planned Parenthood that help people plan their families.

If you are a student at a college or university, they probably have a health clinic where you can get services for free or at a low cost.

If you’re a caregiver for a teen

If you’re an adult helping a teen choose a method of birth control, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Give them their space. Remember that it is their choice whether or not to use birth control or have sexual activity.
  • Make sure you can talk to each other. Tell them that if they need to, they can come to you with questions.
  • Don’t invade their privacy. They might not want to talk in depth about sexuality and birth control. If they have questions they don’t want to ask you, be ready to point them to a doctor, clinic, or online resources.

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