DivaCup Reviews: What Is a DivaCup, and Is It Right for You?

DivaCup Reviews: What Is a DivaCup, and Is It Right for You?

Diva International is one of the biggest companies that makes menstrual cups and other reusable items for women’s health.

DivaCups are small cups in the shape of a funnel. They are made of clear, flexible, medical-grade silicone that can be folded. They are put in the genital area to collect menstrual fluid.

Because they can be washed and used more than once, menstrual cups are thought to be a more eco-friendly choice than pads and tampons.

Anyone who gets their period might be looking for a way to deal with it that is comfortable, doesn’t leak, and will last. Read on to find out if a menstrual cup like the DivaCup is right for you.

DivaCup pros and cons


  • Reusable and friendly to the environment, it can hold more than 1 ounce of menstrual fluid and is cheaper than pads and tampons. Over time, it has grown to three sizes based on age and flow. It can be worn for up to 12 hours straight.
  • made with materials that are medical grade and free of BPA
  • no chemicals, dyes, or plastics
  • The soft silicone is comfortable and flexible, and it creates a suction to stop leaks.


  • can be hard to put in and take out not a mess- Some intrauterine devices (IUDs) may not work well with free experience.
  • There is a small but present risk of toxic shock syndrome.

What is a DivaCup?

One of the oldest menstrual cups, the DivaCup has been on the market since 2003. It is made of silicone that is safe for medical use and has no BPA, chemicals, plastics, or dyes.

A DivaCup is better than pads and tampons because you can use it for up to 12 hours straight. The adult DivaCup models can hold at least 1 ounce (30 mL) of menstrual fluid, which is more than a regular-sized tampon can hold, which is about 5 mL.

If you want to know how safe menstrual cups are compared to pads and tampons, the answer is that they are just as safe and don’t increase your risk of getting an infection.

With a DivaCup, you don’t have to worry about leaks, so you can do things like swim, do yoga, run, sleep, and more. Just don’t wear it when you’re not on your period or when you’re making love.

With the right care and cleaning, a DivaCup can last for years before it needs to be replaced. This makes it a more eco-friendly option than products that only need to be used once.

How to use a DivaCup

Learning how to use a menstrual cup takes some time. You might not know how to put a DivaCup in or take it out, how often to empty it, or how to clean it after use, just like when you first used a tampon.

The DivaCup rests at the bottom of the uterus, away from the cervix. The DivaCup is made of silicone, which is flexible and easy to put in, wear, and take out. Its shape is made to hold blood instead of soaking it up like a tampon does.

To insert a DivaCup

  • Make the edge of the cup curve by folding it.
  • With your other hand, gently pull the labia apart and push the folded cup horizontally into the vagina.
  • Holding the bottom of the cup, turn it 360 degrees so that it opens up and makes a seal.

The DivaCup is easier to take off, but you need to break the suction before you do.

To remove a DivaCup

  • Pull on the DivaCup’s stem until you feel the bottom.
  • Pinch the bottom of the cup to release the suction, then pull slowly until the cup comes off.
  • Before and after you use a DivaCup, you should always wash your hands.

Who is the DivaCup best for?

A menstrual cup might be a good choice for people who want to live in a way that is more eco-friendly and saves money. Cups for your period can last for a few years. Many people have told DivaCup that their cups last between 2 and 4 years.

Also, a menstrual cup like the DivaCup can hold more blood than a pad or tampon, so it might be a good choice for people who have heavy flows, who travel a lot, or who don’t have time to change pads or tampons as often.

DivaCup sizes

Depending on your age and flow, the DivaCup comes in three sizes:

  • Model 0: for ages 18 and under and holds just over half an ounce (20 mL)
  • Model 1: for ages 19 to 30 with medium flow and holds 1 ounce (30 mL)
  • Model 2: for ages 30+ or those with a heavy flow and holds just over 1 ounce (32 mL)

User reviews

“I’ve never used anything like the cup before, but I can say for sure that it’s one of the best things I’ve ever bought! It’s changed how I feel about getting my period. I like that it doesn’t leak at night and that I can keep it in for a long time without worrying about it leaking. On my worst day, it lasts almost exactly 12 hours. Even though I still don’t like getting my period, it has made a big difference in how I feel overall, and I want everyone else to feel the same way. Not to mention that it helps the environment and saves you money!” — Shilpa Gopal

“I had never really given much thought to how using tampons could be bad for me and the environment. After talking to a few people, I did some research and found out that every month I was putting toxic chemicals into my body. I had tried another brand of menstrual cup before, but it leaked and didn’t work for me. Since I switched to DivaCup, I haven’t had any of those problems. I tell people to learn from the mistakes I’ve made. Make sure you choose a DivaCup that is the right size for your age and body. — Katrina Parsons

“I chose to try the DivaCup because it costs less and is better for the environment. I didn’t like throwing away my menstrual pads after each use, so I like that DivaCup is a reusable option that is better for the environment. I also like that I can wear a DivaCup for a long time, even when I’m working out. Because the DivaCup stays in one place, you don’t have to worry about leaking during the day. I’ll keep using a DivaCup because it’s easy to take on trips, better for the environment, and cheaper. — Jenny Vu

Company reputation

The Better Business Bureau does not have Diva International Inc. as a member.

A case presentation in the Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology talks about a confirmed case of toxic shock syndrome in 2015 that was linked to the DivaCup.

But using a menstrual cup is not likely to cause toxic shock syndrome.

DivaCup gets good reviews from customers at many different stores.

DivaCup vs. competitors

There are many menstrual cups on the market, but DivaCup was one of the first ones that people could buy.

Pricing guide

$ = under $39
$$ = over $39

PriceSizes offeredExtras
Lunette$$2carry-on pouch
The Keeper$2none
Lily Cup$2none
FLEX Cup$2pull tab
FemmyCycle$3removal ring
Cora Cup$$2vegan leather clutch
MeLuna$4customizable cups
Lena Cup$2none

There are some things that all of the different types of menstrual cups have in common, and some features may be better for you.

When comparing menstrual cups, you should think about things like their shape, size, and materials. Since DivaCup comes in different sizes, it can be used by many different people.

Other products DivaCup offers


How do I wash my DivaCup? The answer is to use DivaWash.

It is a cleanser made from plants that is made to clean menstrual cups. It comes in a mess-free 4-ounce tube and a smaller version that is easy to take with you. Plus, it has a natural scent, isn’t tested on animals, and has the right pH.

DivaProtect Antibacterial Hand Soap and Lotion

These things are meant to be used with your hands, not your menstrual cup. Use the hand soap to wash your hands before and after handling your DivaCup.

The hand lotion kills bacteria and keeps your skin moist at the same time.


If you’re worried about cleaning your DivaCup in public bathrooms, the DivaWipes are for you. They are compostable wipes that you can use to clean your menstrual cup when you’re not at home and don’t want to use a public bathroom sink.

These wipes are made of 100% cotton and don’t have any perfumes, dyes, or alcohol in them.

Shaker Cup

The Shaker Cup is like a portable dishwasher for your DivaCup, says DivaCup. It is a silicone container that can be folded up and is BPA-free.

To use it, put some water and your DivaCup inside and put the lid on. Shake the menstrual cup until it looks clean.

Frequently asked questions

Is it safe to sleep with a DivaCup?

Yes, you can use a DivaCup while you sleep. It can be worn for up to 12 hours straight and can be worn while doing many things, including sleeping.

How do you clean a DivaCup?

A DivaCup can be cleaned in more than one way. You can use cleaning products like DivaWash or DivaWipes, or you can use a mild, odourless, oil-free soap. Clean the DivaCup’s rim and the four holes near the rim very well. Between each cycle, you should also boil your DivaCup for 5 to 10 minutes.

Don’t put your DivaCup in the dishwasher or clean it with vinegar, perfume, bleach, or other chemicals that can irritate your vagina.

How long does a DivaCup last?

With good care, the DivaCup can last for many years. The general rule is that you should get a new DivaCup every year, but if you clean it often and follow the care instructions, it can last much longer.

If your cup is getting worn down, it might be time to get a new one.


The DivaCup is one of the first brands that many women who use menstrual cups to deal with their periods think about.

Even though there is usually a learning curve, many DivaCup users say they like it because it doesn’t leak as much and can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time. It’s also better for the environment and cheaper than things you only use once.

Using a DivaCup, on the other hand, is more hands-on than using pads or tampons. If you don’t like dealing with your period, a DivaCup might not be for you. If a little blood doesn’t scare you, a DivaCup might change the way you feel about your period, like it has for other people.

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